Manifest the idea

Manifestation is to take action and express it in a concrete form.
It’s my favorite word.
Not very well known.
The number one thing to do to manifest Koyama’s philosophy is executive personnel.
Personnel affairs cannot be understood unless the person is issued, appointed, and put to work.
Unless you make a team and see it, you won’t know the competence of the person.
If you don’t get the team moving, you won’t know the result of personnel affairs.
That is the competence of executives, and their sense of responsibility and humanity rather than ability.
Don’t think too hard, just think of it as a sincere human being.
Even newcomers may find love to be a burden and feel alienated.
But sincerity is understood by everyone.
even a child.
It is also the principle of my attitude toward nursery school children.
April is personnel month.
Forward-looking, moving personnel to nurture people is issued.
It is also a chance of a lifetime for those involved.
A person grows up by the post.
Grow by subordinates.
There are few elements that can be raised by seniors.
let him stand at bat.
And finally take responsibility.
as a director.
If you don’t try it, even senior executives won’t know what’s right.
Actually, I don’t even know myself, I’m not confident.
All I feel is the courage to work together.
The world is headed for a downhill economy.
Interest rates and food prices are going up.
How do you protect the lives of your employees in the business environment of recession and corona?
Are you going to protect your life with your family?
Municipal elections are about to begin.
I would like the candidate to be a policy issue.
I only have 1 vote.
Pulse oximeter 96/97/97
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 167
CEO Yasunari Koyama