Nursing facility

Of Koyama G’s 14,000 employees, 1,300 are nurses.
Since most of our facilities are nursing care facilities, compared to our peers, Koyama G has an overwhelmingly large number of nurses.
Since our company was founded as an emergency hospital in Ginza, we have inherited its history, philosophy, and DNA.
Yesterday, there was a board meeting of the nursing committee in Ginza, and we had a dinner party as a consolation gift.
What I felt at that time was the brightness and positivity of the nurses.
There is a shortage of manpower in both medical and nursing care, and within that, there has been a constant shortage of doctors and nurses.
They are also worried that after next year’s system reform, the industry will be at risk of collapse due to a lack of manpower.
If medical facilities shrink, home medical care will not be able to compensate.
Due to a labor shortage, the occupancy rate of nursing homes and nursing homes for the elderly has declined, and management is in the red.
An unlimited number of homes for the elderly will be created, but the care services provided in society will decline.
Among these, many nurses at Koyama G are working enthusiastically and independently.
I think that’s wonderful.
Generally speaking, they are divided into medical facilities and nursing care facilities.
To put it simply, there is a distinction between medical insurance and nursing care insurance coverage.
Policies to curb medical costs are expected to lead to the spread of home medical care and online consultations.
However, this requires higher quality nursing care.
To make up for the reduction in medical facilities, intermediate facilities for the elderly and special nursing homes were established.
In that sense, these could be called nursing facilities.
Medical care is the exclusive service of doctors, and other medical staff serve as assistants to doctors.
However, in nursing homes, nurses are actually the frontline leaders.
From now on, the number of users becomes more and more severe.
Corona is not over either.
Recently, influenza cases are also increasing.
The number of end-of-life care at facilities is also increasing.
I think nurses are positioned as a qualification between doctors and caregivers.
When I toured Thailand with JICA, I remember that there were only doctors in the cities, and the heads of medical institutions in rural areas were all nurses.
In the future, will nurses become more specialized and take on some of the duties of doctors?
Will online consultation expand the scope of medical treatment for doctors spatially?
Both are necessary, but either way, we must destroy the concept of the past system of employment.
Koyama G has always been a gathering of people who are not bound by the official structure or authority.
Koyama G’s organization, which has little hierarchy, is the right one to carry the future.
40 years have passed since I believed that.
The future is yet to come.
Of course, I am prepared for my management attitude to be questioned.
My belief is supported by the staff of Koyama G.
With this belief in mind, we will make management decisions today as well.
The approval document is a piece of paper from the staff.
I reply by email every day.
I call it the 1000 knocks of management.
Horan is strictly prohibited from this.
He bunts and returns it to the pitcher and fielder.
From now on, nursing homes for the elderly will be required to have a collaborating medical institution that can respond to emergencies at night.
Koyama G’s nursing care facility for the elderly goes beyond that structure, and has appointed a doctor as the facility director and introduced online medical treatment.
However, there are only a few facilities in the country that can do this.
We are at the forefront of integrated medical care reform in the world.
The responsibility for Koyama’s future is heavy.
But I want to move forward brightly and energetically.
Let’s go to Disney or Universal once in a while.
with me.
With my family.
Pulse oximeter 98/98/98
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 186
Medical nurse
CEO Yasunari Koyama