Tokyo also has a hometown tax (furusato nozei)(Furusato Nozei is a donation tax system that started in May 2008 in Japan with the main objectives of rectifying the disparity between rural areas and large cities in an urbanized society, responding to declining tax revenues in areas with declining populations, and regional revitalization.)

I think the hometown tax is an interesting system.
However, now, the gifts in return have become too extravagant, and in some towns, the tax amount exceeds 30% of the legally determined tax amount, which is becoming a problem.
No matter what the system or law is, there will be people who abuse it in the long run.
Therefore, all laws and contracts should be limited in duration.
At some point, it will definitely need to be revised.
Can it be said that the retirement age of employment is also limited to the period of the labor contract?
By the way, I think that this hometown tax payment often chooses local agricultural products such as alcohol, meat and rice from local cities as a hobby and tax reduction method for high-income office workers in the city.
There is also local area sightseeing.
On the other hand, from the point of view of Tokyo’s 23 wards, the tax that residents should pay to their residential areas will flow to rural areas.
These days, it seems that this amount is large.
This is due to the efforts and wisdom of the 23 wards.
If I were the ward mayor, I would return a movie ticket or a concert ticket.
Cinemas, museums, concert halls and theaters are concentrated in Tokyo.
The culture and arts are more diverse and blessed in the city center.
On the other hand, there are many local cities that no longer have movie theaters.
There are still movie theaters and theaters in Tokyo.
I think there are many local fans who want to see Kabuki and Takarazuka and pay a large amount of tax to their hometowns.
But for now, I want you to keep this secret secret.
Tickets are still in short supply.
If it becomes more popular, I won’t be able to buy it.
This is also a useless delusion now.
Pulse oximeter 98/98/99
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 239 I ate local specialty white rice.
Art Director
CEO Yasunari Koyama