Nursing care that supports medical care

Koyama G has many workshops and subcommittees.
The largest of these is the Nursing Subcommittee.
Out of 14,000, 1,300 are nurses.
Since Corona, it has become a zoom workshop, and more officials across the country have been able to participate.
I also became able to greet and attend lectures because of Zoom.
The director of the special nursing facility also participated in yesterday’s Nursing Subcommittee.
In my opening remarks, I proposed research themes for future nursing subcommittees.
Koyama G’s research theme is also the problem of Japanese nursing in Japan in the future.
Twenty-five years ago, the leaders who created Koyama G’s nursing home were medical staff with a strong interest in nursing care.
All kinds of occupations in hospitals faced nursing care for the elderly in a new era.
Naturally, the nurse became the on-site, educational leader.
There was a medical skeleton, and nursing care progressed.
With the backing of the hospital, nursing care has been established.
The reason why we call ourselves a medical welfare group is because we have come to realize that.
The historical establishment relationship has changed with the severity of nursing care and corona.
The higher the functioning hospital, the more necessary the power of nursing care in the hospital.
I feel that medical care, nursing, and nursing care cannot stand on their own.
However, hospitals and nursing facilities are subdivided by medical insurance and long-term care insurance.
Kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, university.
The administration always sorts, subdivides, and specializes medical and welfare services according to laws and methods of taxation.
It was good at the beginning, but after 10 years, the social situation changed and a gap with the times appeared.
It is difficult to correct and correct it.
from politics and administration.
Therefore, it is necessary for the private sector in the field to make corrections through their own efforts.
From the standpoint of private business operators, this is progress and evolution.
Naturally, this will lead to competition for differentiation among business operators.
From nursing that supports nursing care, let’s be aware of nursing from nursing care, which supports medical care.
Let’s create next-generation nursing that supports medical care from nursing care.
Yes, I complained about my troubled feelings.
I want you to answer
For the elderly in Japan and the staff who have devoted their lives to this work.
Pulse oximeter 97/99/99
Body temperature 36.1 Blood sugar 195
Symbiotic Kyoritsu
CEO Yasunari Koyama