Anniversary 8/20

At Koyama G, the 20th of August is the day where the most important ceremony of the year is held.
In the old days, on this day, executives would gather at Koyama Hospital for meetings, summer festivals, and evening parties.
On the roof of the hospital, while looking at Mt. Fuji, the sea and the night view.
That day was my father’s birthday, and he was in the hospital, so executives from all over the country were invited to hold a birthday party for my father.
Although my father is in a wheelchair, he is always in a good mood and really enjoys reuniting with executives from all over the country.
For me, it was an annual filial piety day.
Koyama Hospital was established with the slogan, “Let’s create a hospital where parents can stay."
His father was really hospitalized and he spent the last six years of his life there.
I toured the hospital on a rehabilitation bicycle every day.
With a smile and a word of thanks to all the staff.
Good morning, hard work. and.
The end of the patrol course is always the nursery school.
Koyama Hospital was established with the slogan, “Let’s create a hospital where parents can stay."
His father was really hospitalized and he spent the last six years of his life there.
I toured the hospital on a rehabilitation bicycle every day.
With a smile and a word of thanks to all the staff.
Good morning, hard work. and.
The end of the patrol course is always the nursery school.
The kindergarteners also take a walk on the premises and in the garden, so they meet somewhere.
Every day, the kindergarteners showed an interest in the director’s rehabilitation wheelchair and wanted to ride it.
For a father who has no grandchildren, I think the kindergarteners were like grandchildren.
At least he was prettier than his own son.
During that time, I traveled all over the country to open hospital facilities.
Occasionally at a meeting, even by the hospital, I was turned away in less than 10 minutes.
You must be busy, go home early.
I have to go to nursery school now. and.
He seemed even happier than seeing me, to the point where I was jealous.
I was really happy to be with the staff and the staff’s family.
Occasionally, when an employee reported a marriage or brought a child, he was delighted as if it were his own child.
Nor did he blame his widowed, unworthy son.
He was a kind father.
He has nothing but gratitude for his staff.
Eventually, I also want to end such a happy life with the hands of the staff.
If my father were alive today, he would be 95 years old.
The number of his father’s car was also set to 820.
That car is now mine.
August 20 will always be the anniversary of the hot summer of Koyama.
Today, I will take the portrait of the deceased and board the ship.
Pulse oximeter 97/98/97
Body temperature 36.7 Blood sugar 166
With the cicada’s voice in the background
CEO Yasunari Koyama