Hibiya Park

The oldest memory I have as a child is the Imperial Hotel seen from Hibiya Park.
The performances weren’t what they are now, and I think the hotel was just before it was rebuilt.
The Imperial Hotel will be demolished and rebuilt in two years.
By the time the new Imperial Hotel is completed, the building of the Ginza General Headquarters will probably be renewed.
Hibiya Park may also change.
There are also plans to eliminate the Metropolitan Expressway, which runs around Ginza, and replace it with buildings and promenades.
Yesterday, I went to a Myanmar festival in Hibiya Park.
Koyama G also has employees from Myanmar.
I went to the cinema, but it was full.
Bustle has returned to Hibiya Park.
It’s been a long time since the Koyama G joint initiation ceremony was held at Hibiya Public Hall.
I’ve also confirmed that the bench with the name plate of my parents is in its usual position in the park.
It was pretty rusty, so I wiped it down.
Someday I will have to replace it.
At that time, I would like you to donate another bench.
In my name.
Because it’s always a park bench that has become troublesome.
It seems that the old waterway greenway of Tamagawa Josui in Shibuya Ward will become a farm.
It’s close to my house, so I think it’s a good idea to donate a bench there.
Pulse oximeter 94/95/97
Body temperature 36.2 Blood sugar 161
Ginza bees also fly to Shibuya
CEO Yasunari Koyama