Online medical consultation

I believe that online consultations and AI-based health diagnostics are key to correcting the issue of doctor shortages in Japan.
Within the next ten years, small and medium-sized hospitals, as well as clinics with just one general practitioner, will drastically decrease.
This is because young specialists will no longer be able to practice alone and will need the collaboration of multiple doctors and technicians.
The use of diagnostic AI will also fit well with online consultations.
Already, Ginza Clinic has started providing online consultations for the health management and health consultations of 14,000 people within the Koyama Group.
Next, we are preparing to offer online consultations for elderly care facilities in depopulated areas.
Since Koyama Group’s care facilities originated from hospitals, we have aimed to provide nursing care on par with hospital care for long-term care beds.
The staff education system has also aimed to reach the same level as hospitals.
Out of the 14,000 people in Koyama Group, 1,300 are nurses.
1,300 are nutritionists and chefs.
There are also many physical therapists.
We take pride in being a medical-type long-term care facility.
In Ginza, the number of businesspeople patients has decreased.
But doctors still gather.
There are also many public hospitals collaborating with us.
Ginza and rural areas.
Healthcare and long-term care.
The Koyama world has a sense of three-dimensionality.
The national policy has divided healthcare, long-term care, and living facilities into separate categories.
Now, the drawbacks of this division are becoming visible.
We aim to bridge the worlds of healthcare and long-term care.
I have been saying that Koyama Group is on this path.
Next, I predict that new integrated healthcare and long-term care facilities will emerge.
It is Koyama Group that will open the doors to this new world.
Medical DX will also lead us down that path.
The Ginza Medical Building will be the center, and Ginza Clinic will become the hub.
Next year, both healthcare and long-term care will face stronger headwinds.
But it is at that time that Koyama Group will become stronger.
Throughout the year-end, nationwide, everyone will face COVID, the flu, and earthquakes.
We will keep fighting 24/7.
Let’s keep going, my fellow healthcare and welfare workers.
I will listen carefully to the ringing of the New Year’s bells.
Blood sugar: 166 Our home is like a candy house. It’s dangerous.
I’m developing an addiction to U-NEXT.
Koyama Group CEO, Thunderbird CEO, Vice Chairman of Health Station
Yasunari Koyama