Mobile day-service, Mobile nursery school

I saw a single-track train running through the mountainous areas of Tohoku.
Junior high school students commuting to school only ride it casually.
How about turning it into a junior high school classroom?
I took a demand bus in Tokyo.
Almost only old people ride it.
How about a day service bus?
The course is either a round trip or a cycle.
The Yamanote Line would be convenient if it also had a nursery school train and a clinic train.
The station, located in a depopulated area, is a one-story building with only an entrance.
I want the station building to look like an urban station.
It would be a good idea to open a day service, clinic, or nursery school in that building.
If we could do that, the hassle of transportation would be drastically reduced.
Is this not possible due to the walls of the ministries or the railway regulations?
Thirty years ago, he opened a nursing home on an island in the Seto Inland Sea.
At that time, he proposed a day service ship that would patrol the islands in the Seto Inland Sea.
The town mayor contacted the prefecture and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, but at that time, approval was not granted.
Maybe there is now.
Why not turn the luxury cruise ship Asuka, which tours the Japanese archipelago, into a high-end nursing home?
I have a first class captain’s license.
I want to apply to be a captain.
There are also applicants who wish to become a ship’s doctor.
I am a late elderly person.
I think it’s a good idea, but no one seems to support it.
Japan’s mindset reform is about to begin.
Pulse oximeter 96/99/99
Body temperature 36.5 Blood sugar 145
The director is the captain
CEO Yasunari Koyama