Unconsciousness is from the future

Psychology has always been my hobby.
Freud’s theory of the unconscious states that his consciousness is the tip of the iceberg.
Adler’s individual psychology looks to the past for reasons for behavior and focuses on problems in interpersonal relationships.
Jung divided humans into two types: introverts and extroverts, and further divided the mind into four types: thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition.
I learned about the mind as a phenomenology of shadows from Jung.
Next is zoology.
Japanese monkey science.
Monkeys are more human-like than humans.
Recently, biology.
This is called dynamic equilibrium.
It constantly repeats decomposition and synthesis, maintaining order through constant cell replacement at the molecular level. The concept of dynamic equilibrium in life can also be applied to management organizations.
The basics of any discipline can be applied to the state of human society.
I feel that all theories share similar common patterns.
My personal opinion.
In the end, my conclusion is that humans are more unconscious than conscious.
Individual personality, motivation, and intentions are all passive.
It is controlled by the collective consciousness of the masses.
It is just an illusion to think that it is your will or your instructions.
I am moved by everyone, my subordinates, and my friends.
Yes, I have no choice but to agree.
What’s more, that unconscious mind is staring into the future.
No, I am receiving instructions from the future.
From the collective unconscious of the future.
As expected, I read too much cyber science fiction.
Pulse oximeter 96/99/99
Body temperature 36.6 Blood sugar 187
A Shadow Tracker Pursuing Truth
CEO, Yasunari Koyama