Disaster Welfare Wide Area Support Network Thunderbird

What a long name.
I can’t remember long names like this, so the nickname I gave it was Thunderbird.
Of course, it was named after the British sci-fi puppet show.
Fortunately, I have not yet been sued.
I was looking forward to it every week because it was a perfect match with Star Trek, which depicts the activities of the spaceship Enterprise in the TV drama when I was in elementary school.
Ultraman and Kamen Rider were around the same time, but I liked large planes and spaceships.
This Thunderbird, which I advocated and established, continues to be the vice president.
When I attended a board meeting for the first time in a long time, it seemed that I was having a hard time because I could not receive a subsidy for class entrustment this year. with birth parents.
As a result, the old soldiers want to return to the battlefield and support them.
The number of branch offices across the country does not seem to be increasing.
In the event of an earthquake in the Tokyo metropolitan area, such as Gunma, Saitama, and Kanagawa, we would like to have Koyama G’s facilities participate again in areas that will serve as relief bases.
I like the word network.
I don’t really call myself a leader.
A leader is trained by his subordinates.
In reality, there aren’t many leaders who nurture their subordinates.
Information sharing, information disclosure.
and sympathetic humanity.
It makes a strong organization.
No, create a natural community and society without coercion.
It has also become idealistic.
Pulse oximeter 97/98/99
Body temperature 36.0 Blood sugar 179
Koyama G launches!
CEO, Yasunari Koyama