Medical welfare is also an industry with structural recession

The yen’s depreciation may have boosted the export industry, but I think the domestic service industry, with the exception of the inbound tourism industry, will experience a recession.
In Corona, consumption behavior has fallen.
Consumer confidence has also declined.
At least I have.
With the declining birthrate and aging population, the number of customers for childcare, education, nursing care, and medical care will decrease.
Medical welfare is also now an insustry with structural recession.
At the very least, the sharp rise in electricity bills is likely to result in a deficit.
In addition, unit prices will drop for both due to the comprehensive revision of medical and long-term care insurance next year.
As for childcare, it seems that the declining birthrate is making urban management difficult.
Local social welfare corporations in Koyama G are making inroads into the Tokyo metropolitan area, but medical services will shrink nationwide.
In particular, medical care and dispensing for chronic diseases will experience a decline in sales.
Recently, I am investigating bankruptcy and civil rehabilitation cases of 13.2 billion yen medical corporations.
It’s a huge bankruptcy like never before.
There may be various reasons, but until now, before bankruptcy, a rebuilder would appear, and I don’t think it would have been possible to revive public opinion.
I think the number of medical corporations willing to actively expand is decreasing.
In addition, the government also leaves the rebuilding of private hospitals to the market.
In other words, it is the same as bankruptcy of an ordinary company.
There is no relief support such as subsidies from the administration.
Until now, the government has spent a large amount of tax money on nursery schools, thinking that they are not enough.
The balance of supply and demand will change from insufficient to surplus.
Koyama G considers various welfare programs to support the lives of employees rather than business expansion.
The largest household expenditure is housing.
We will continue to increase the number of dormitories for singles.
A family dormitory is also planned.
Creation of a workplace where children can be raised.
When I run a facility for mothers and children, I realize that there is a need for a workplace with company housing where mothers and children can live together.
I have more and more debt, but I like to think of this as an honorable and valuable asset.
First, it supports the daily lives of 14,000 staff and their families.
Koyama G’s number one customers are employees and their families.
I myself can see the face of the staff directly.
Even if it’s a Zoom meeting image, you’re staring at an employee’s face.
From my point of view, everyone is one generation younger.
I don’t want them to suffer too much, but if they don’t work hard together and overcome the difficulties, they won’t grow.
The reason I don’t want them to have a hard time is because I anticipate that the rough waves from now on won’t be half-hearted.
Old people are anxious.
Any time.
Pulse oximeter 98/98/98
Body temperature 36.1 Blood sugar 175
Turning on the heating this morning
CEO Yasunari Koyama