
I like to give souvenirs to visitors to Ginza.
Even the participants in yesterday’s study session had their handbags full.
Potato shochu brewed from potatoes collected on the roof of the Ginza office.
Ginza bee honey.
40th anniversary Mashiko pottery mug.
Ginza Koyama diary mini book, excerpted words from this diary.
In addition, movie tickets for the popular anime that is currently showing.
It may be a burden and an inconvenience.
A long time ago, when I went to my grandmother’s house, I got a lot of souvenirs and went home.
I also got a lot of New Year’s gifts.
As people get older, they want to give souvenirs to their children and grandchildren.
Trying to please him with a present.
I want to please young people.
It’s a good contrast to the fact that I no longer want anything.
What I want is quiet peace.
I sat up on my bed and spent more time listening to online lectures.
Home confinement or withdrawal?
I’ve come to think that meetings and interviews on the Internet are easy and good.
Words such as homelessness and getting dressed are troublesome.
Rather than expecting to meet new people at parties and gatherings full of strangers, I’ve come to appreciate meeting old friends.
I just admit I’m getting old.
But yesterday, I received a lot of presents in the mail.
Messages with my portraits and staff photos from corporations across the country.
A happy birthday message from the employee who reads this diary.
surprised. Was delighted.
It’s been hanging on my office wall for a while.
I enjoy receiving messages more than sending them.
There are messages to receive and there are messages to send.
The same goes for this morning’s message.
thank you.

Pulse oximeter 98/98/98
Body temperature 36.3 Blood sugar 290 Night crying udon

Vegetable juice is also caloric.
CEO Yasunari Koyama


Posted by admin