The staff dormitory is an asset

We are asking each bank to provide an estimate of the settlement of accounts for the previous fiscal year.
I would like to increase the number of employee dormitories in the Tokyo metropolitan area, so I would like to ask for a property introduction and financing.
Specifically, I would like to purchase a new rental apartment in Tokyo and use it as a staff dormitory.
There are many facilities in Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba, but I would rather build a staff dormitory in Tokyo.
Lives in Tokyo and goes to Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa.
Commuter trains, on the other hand, are empty.
Young people all over the country long for Tokyo.
Even when it comes to child-rearing, there are many schools in Tokyo.
Even in the event of an earthquake disaster, I would like to have staff in Tokyo to some extent.
Same as the fire station dormitory.
It is difficult to rush to Tokyo in an emergency.
After all, I would like to secure a staff dormitory with a training center near the facility in Tokyo.
In the metropolitan area, many apartments are rented.
I would like to use that money to build a new dormitory and purchase an apartment.
In Kanagawa, a dormitory dedicated to Vietnam.
In Saitama, a dormitory dedicated to Indonesia.
Securing employment is, first of all, a place to live.
With the financial results for the previous fiscal year in sight, he said that he wanted to have his own staff dormitory in order to further stabilize Koyama’s stable management.
Investing more in human resources means enriching employee benefits.
The biggest investment is the staff dormitory.
In Fukushima, there is a corporation that wants to build a wooden detached family employee dormitory.
That’s how confident and motivated Koyama’s medical welfare business is.
It means that we are serious about rebuilding Fukushima and building the city of Fukushima.
All of Tokyo’s large public hospitals sold nurse dormitories when financial difficulties arose.
I think it was wrong.
Good hospital management is stable employment of nurses.
And the main premise is a nurse dormitory where you can walk to the hospital.
I understand that the stability of life of the staff is my first responsibility as a manager.
In the future, what will you do if the management of the corporation becomes difficult?
Get a loan and have the staff buy it instead of retirement money.
At that time, I think that the bank that can be relied on is the bank that supports Koyama.
From now on, I want to be more proud of the wonderful employee dormitories than the number of hospital facilities like hotels.
The Healthcare Design Network exists for the sake of our employees.
Pulse oximeter 98/97/98
Body temperature 36.2 Blood sugar 265 White rice bliss
Dormitory Manager
CEO Yasunari Koyama