
In Corona, I was refraining myself from going on business trips, but recently, I’ve started to travel a little.
The sunlight is dazzling.
Shinkansen has been around for a long time.
At Tokyo Station, I buy new books in bulk at my usual bookstore.
A handful of paper bags full of eye-catching books.
I read diagonally on the train going back and forth, but there is always a book that I think I’ve read before.
Many new books are published by the same author, so the contents are common and easy to understand.
Therefore, it can be read quickly, but there are many contents that are just playing the same theme with different tunes.
But in fact, there are books that I bought, read, and gave to the staff in the past.
Other than that, I browsed different books at bookstores.
Sometimes I browse through books at a bookstore and read them all.
Because it’s funny, of course.
There are many new book sizes.
At bookstores, I buy a lot in bulk, so I’m wouldn`t get kicked out of the store.
Now that books don’t sell well, new editions are concentrated on best-selling authors.
Is this the publisher’s editor’s fault?
Readers are buying safe.
In that sense, the existence of intermediate magazines was important for the debut of newcomers.
It was a place for the emergence of new scholars and writers.
Nostalgic, writers, books and restarts are on the train.
At home, I search for new news and YouTubers on the Internet.
He hasn’t been to the library or the museum since Corona.
It’s as if she hasn’t returned home.
The existence of a hometown is important because life is just moving forward.
Going to a rural institution is the equivalent of returning to relatives back home.
This facility was established when I was young.
There are over 20 years of staff since opening.
Same as my child.
As the parent who raised him, even if he was his birth parent, I feel very sorry.
I went to say hello to the executives who grew up strong, with nostalgia, apology, and gratitude.
It’s not a retirement show.
Pulse oximeter 98/99/98
Body temperature 36.7 Blood sugar 223
Long Run
CEO Yasunari Koyama