Elementary School: A Small Society

When did Yasunari-kun become Yasunari-kun?
Of course, the influence of my parents and grandparents is undeniable, but it must have been in kindergarten and elementary school.
I was the kind of child who was favored by my teachers.
When I was at nursery school, I heard from the teachers during their tea-time conversations that I was the most popular child in the “good child" voting.
That’s probably true.
Looking back, I think that period was the golden age of Yasunari-kun, the height of my “popularity" phase.
Yesterday, I watched the documentary film “Elementary School."
The movie poster says, “A six-year-old is the same anywhere in the world, but by the time they turn twelve, Japanese children become 'Japanese.'"
I believe this is true.
It teaches the basics of communal life and the fundamentals of Japanese society.
There might be criticism about group pressure or how people overly read the atmosphere, but I believe this is the foundation of peaceful Japanese culture.
When will the new graduates joining Koyama Group truly become “Koyama people"?
I think it will take about ten years.
I consider it a form of compulsory education as a member of society.
In the movie, there’s a scene where a first-grade girl is unable to play the drum as she wants and is about to cry from frustration.
Have you ever shed tears of frustration in your life?
Just that scene made me feel that watching this film was worthwhile.
To all the fathers and mothers with children,
I have never felt as envious of the lives of people with children as I do now.
Did my parents feel happy to have me as their child?
I wasn’t much trouble, but I was probably a difficult child to understand.
Even now, I still find it difficult to understand and control myself.
There’s no doubt that Yasunari-kun was pure and righteous as a child.
If aging means returning to childhood, I would be happy with that.
Though it may be difficult for those around me.
For someone like me, who is about to turn 70, the goal for the final stage of life has become to be a cute elderly person.
I will make an effort.
I hope to be gently watched over and supported.
Blood sugar 173, chocolate and gummy bears.
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station, Yasunari Koyama