Facial expression without mouth and nose

Why is Kitty, with no mouth and no nose, so cute and lovable? Is it because the absence of a mouth symbolizes aggression in some way? Is it a message saying, “I want you to just look at me in silence"? There’s also a Kitty on the secretary’s desk. Maybe it’s a feeling of wanting someone to watch quietly. I have small eyes, nose, and mouth, and I am cute. If only I could live with just my eyes and ears. I would be like Buddha. No, Buddha always has his eyes closed. There is also the teaching of “See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil." But if you don’t speak, you won’t understand. I always shout that. Sometimes, there’s a suggestion to create a mascot like Kumamon, something along the lines of Lake Mountain G’s character. But I think a Baymax model based on me would be just fine. Patariro is not me. I admit it’s not completely unalike. Why is it that when we become adults, we stop reading manga? Recently, I’ve even stopped reading novels. My heart no longer dances. I can’t escape from reality. It’s painful.
What kind of face am I making right now?
Blood sugar 186. Wakame cucumber vinegar, root vegetable soup with egg, milk. Why am I not losing weight with this? It’s because of the yokan at midnight.
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station, Yasunari Koyama