School support team in times of disaster

There are many disaster and disaster prevention courses at universities. Among them, I thought the courses where students are made to camp on campus and experience disaster prevention are excellent as practical learning.
I believe this type of course should also be introduced as summer disaster prevention experience classes in high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools. It should involve the community, neighborhood associations, and the students’ families as well.
Recently, a disaster support team of schoolteachers has been formed. It’s reassuring and wonderful. I hope they will collaborate with Thunderbird.
Could someone introduce them to us?
Also, there have been small earthquakes happening. The time when we can feel at ease will not come, as long as we live in Japan.
We accept our fate, but God helps those who help themselves.
Disaster prevention education should start from elementary school.
Noto Earthquake Day 327 – Blood sugar 206 (coffee milk and rice crackers)
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Health Station Vice President
Exhausted, Yasushi Koyama