What comes next after the real estate bubble?

Thirty-five years ago, Japan’s real estate bubble was at its peak.
There was no real estate to buy in central Tokyo, and real estate companies in Tokyo went to buy buildings in Sapporo and Fukuoka.
But soon after, the real estate bubble burst and many investors went bankrupt.
Now, land prices in local cities have risen again.
Among them, the ones that ranked highest were not local cities, but living towns and villages where people could commute.
The fact that it is not a regional core city is impressive.
A reasonably priced residential area.
A municipality with ample schools, daycare centers, and medical institutions.
And most importantly, I have a job where I can make a living.
In the past, it was about attracting factories and companies.
Resorts were invited to depopulated areas and mountainous areas.
Even now, there are some areas where world-class luxury resort hotels are expanding, but they are limited.
Nationwide, the population of young people is increasing in cities, towns and villages where it is easier to live.
Where Koyama G’s medical care facilities are located, young workers from all over the country gather.
Technical intern trainees and international students from Asia also gather.
A dormitory will also be built for that purpose.
Young people gather in cities, towns and villages where Koyama is located.
Children are also born.
This is because there are workplaces where you can obtain qualifications.
The new era of regional revitalization begins with Koyama G’s medical care and child care facility.
New encounters with people in the area will lead to new development and growth for Koyama and the region.
A chance encounter with someone becomes the inevitability of a new future.
The history of Koyama is created in this way.
Along with the history of the city.
Historically, when a real estate bubble starts, not only in Tokyo but also in other regions, the bubble bursts soon.
However, Koyama G, which provides healthcare and social security services for the basics of life, will continue to support the area.
At least for the lives of the staff and the lives of the residents.
Pulse oximeter 99/98/99
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 148
Structural recession industry
CEO Yasunari Koyama