Medical welfare telework

Telecommuting is mainly for clerical workers and office districts.
The number of people who go to work in central business districts to do clerical work has decreased by about 30%.
I think there are still some clerical jobs at medical welfare facilities that can be teleworked from home.
I also don’t have time to read requests, reports, in the office.
Late nights and early mornings, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are used all day.
The request for approval from the executives also arrives late at night, so by the next day, my settlement e-mail will be returned.
approve. I got it. I will leave it to you. Reconsider. Impossible.
Leave it to me means that I don’t know the details, but I will take responsibility and leave the execution to the drafter.
Impossible doesn’t mean impossible, it means disallowed.
My decision is out while I’m reading the request for approval.
Don’t think about it for more than a minute.
Originally, the executives in the field had to do it immediately.
Other than that, when it comes to purchasing equipment and selecting contractors for repair work, if you leave everything to me, you will naturally get worried about collusion between the person in charge and the contractor.
Even if it’s not a criminal act, it’s easy to get into a rut.
Legally, bidding must be carried out every year.
Therefore, the reverse phenomenon occurs, such as going home and finding it difficult to change contractors because it is troublesome in terms of clerical work.
I noticed that the bids by municipalities may also have such an aspect.
Administrative work of the facility must be in the facility, but back office work and accounting work are not necessarily so.
A calculation center and a labor management center may be established in the group.
If it’s not in the city, but in a rural area where land is cheap and there aren’t many jobs for administrative management, it would be easy to hire.
Some of the staff who manage my work are working from home when raising children.
Eventually, I would like them to return to work at the office, but I am happy that this telework system has reduced the number of childcare leave and retirement.
In fact, all board meetings with officers nationwide are held online.
Since I don’t have to travel to Tokyo, it’s easier for me to adjust my schedule.
Business trip expenses have decreased dramatically, but the number of dining opportunities in Ginza has also decreased.
Everyone will miss you.
I’m worried that the quality of communication that speaks the truth is declining.
There is a corporation that conducts facility manager meetings online every day, but it is judged to be effective.
Eventually, we want all corporate meetings to be held online, instead on a daily basis.
All senior staff.
I don’t mind late-night Zoom consultations.
But there may be some people who can’t sleep because of what I said.
Email is number one, it may be safe.
I myself am on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Even when I’m sleeping, I have an iPad on my bedside.
In the summer, I might wear aloha instead of pajamas.
Pulse oximeter 97/97/97 Body temperature 36.0 Blood sugar 191
My father, in his later years, said that he could not get rid of his tiredness no matter how much he slept
CEO, Yasunari Koyama