Medical and Nursing Convergence Regression

Impressions after finishing the business plan meeting and calming down.
My presentation got better.
At the very least, it’s gotten more sophisticated to make it look like it’s gotten better.
This is because the young presenters are calm and confident, rather than organizing images and tables.
The person himself will answer that he was nervous, but that is natural.
After that, I noticed one more thing.
It is that the difference between the presenter’s medical corporation, welfare corporation, and stock company has disappeared.
Come to think of it, Koyama G has training sessions for different qualifications, such as nursing, nutrition, and counseling sessions, but there are no training sessions for hospitals, elderly health, special nursing homes, housing, etc. .
All of them have been treated as Koyama G’s facilities and Koyama G’s employees through Koyama G’s philosophy education.
I think there is little hierarchy between medical care, nursing, nursing care, and clerical work.
If I had to say it, it would be to focus on the site and respect the site.
What worries me the most is the office manager who has no field experience.
prone to big business disease.
With an elite consciousness, you will not be able to empathize with the site.
If such a manager’s facility has good management numbers, it will become a naked king.
From my own experience, I feel sensitive about that point.
Since the establishment of long-term care insurance, national policy has been to separate medical care and long-term care.
A large number of hospital bed systems and nursing care facility systems have become more diversified and complicated.
The differences in the functions of health care for the elderly, special nursing homes, and group homes are becoming more and more overlapping.
In any case, the severity of illness has increased the need for medical care in nursing homes.
On the other hand, due to the outbreak of elderly corona patients, hospitals have increased the need for nursing care.
Separating and organizing services by function seems out of place.
Human beings are total beings.
I feel the need to provide all the services that make up the existence of one person as a whole.
This area is common to the education problem and the problem discussion of the school system.
At Koyama G, the fusion of medical care and nursing care is progressing.
You can call it a return to origin.
Pulse oximeter 98/98/99
Body temperature 36.2 Blood sugar 263
Late-night bento
CEO Yasunari Koyama