Dining room merry-go-round

When I listened to the director of the hospital association, I found out that there are quite a lot of people who go to sports clubs and work hard at muscle training.
You could call it a boom.
I know that muscle training for the elderly is medically important and recommended.
Everyone who is doing it is youthful in feelings and actions.
Youthful and fashionable.
I have been a member of the hotel’s prestigious sports club for over 30 years.
But since I got Corona, I only go to the sauna once a year.
The annual membership fee is high, so I think it’s a waste, but I want to go back to a life like commuting again, so I’m not leaving.
It’s not like you should just pay money, but there’s something about it that supports your conscience.
I think the average age of the members of the club is rising year by year.
As usual, I think I was the youngest leader when I joined.
How is it now?
I am still young.
Many members who are actively exercising are famous business people.
You can even see the face of the politician before the party.
A star singer of the same generation as me who died of cerebral infarction was also drenched in sweat and running frantically.
She was thinner than she looked on TV.
He didn’t drink water during exercise, and later said it was his daily routine to open each bottle of wine.
I think it was because of that.
I heard that a young actress who called herself a wine critic had a stroke and suffered a stroke after doing the same exercise and drinking wine.
Every morning at 7 o’clock she would meet a prominent financier in his 90s.
People who live longer take life management and exercise seriously.
I’ve lived my life giving up on the idea that I can’t live long, but lately, even though I’m late, I’m struggling a bit and making an effort.
Use the stairs from the 5th floor to get to the office on the 9th floor.
And lately, at dawn, I’ve been walking around the round table in the dining room.
while watching TV news.
Wear gym shoes and pajamas.
Both summer and winter are air-conditioned to maintain an indoor temperature of 19 degrees.
I realized that this was a place that suited me as a study person and an indoor person.
After that, I immediately take a bath in the morning.
Incorporate a little exercise into your daily routine.
The reasoning is correct.
But I feel a little sad and lonely.
Writing about such a life in a diary is also a bit self-deprecating and remorseful.
When I spoke with the staff, many said that this diary would see my health data first.
In particular, nurses are talking about looking at blood sugar levels.
It is the blood sugar level of public observation.
So far, even if I expose my shame, this is the extent.
Write the data truthfully and honestly.
Instead, if the number is high after eating snacks late at night, I will do a cafeteria excursion for about an hour to lower the number a little before writing it down.
Thanks to the readers for this tearful effort.
This morning was also the case, so I will confess honestly.
Thanks to all of you.

Pulse oximeter 99/98/98
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 177

Life is a merry-go-round
CEO Yasunari Koyama


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