Safety net

I believe that the social safety net is social security, and that the most important business is medical welfare.
However, the medical welfare business is in financial difficulties as a private business, and the selection is about to begin.
From the standpoint of patients and users, medical care and nursing care may be similar to hotels and shops.
Shops in Ginza change many percent every year, and competition is fierce.
Recently, only luxury watch shops stand out.
Moreover, the signboard of the watch shop changes.
With inbound tourism, the weaker yen, and the global economy, this will also change.
The number of dispensing pharmacies has also increased.
This is also due to deregulation of factory dispensing and mail-order sales, and stores themselves will be consolidated and reduced.
This is also a prescribed policy in deregulation measures in line with population decline, staff reduction, and financial difficulties.
Forty years ago, the Ministry of Health and Welfare had already said that hospitals with 150 beds or less would not be viable, and that half of private hospitals would not be needed.
hat policy continues to this day, and it looks like it’s finally coming to fruition now.
Agriculture can be similar.
Even if agricultural cooperatives, medical associations, and hospital associations work hard, there is no choice if there is no successor.
The clinic is also a private store after all.
Eventually, it will follow the same trajectory as the shops in the shopping district turned into supermarkets.
Nursing care will become more difficult as the underlying medical care becomes smaller and weaker.
Nursing care insurance is also likely to lose its day service.
Don’t touch the missing sleeves.
I can’t help it because my country’s financial situation takes precedence.
I can’t resist.
Here, the country says that the private sector should be independent and survive through self-help.
But then, who will be responsible for the social safety net?
Like compulsory education and public assistance, universal medical insurance and long-term care insurance should have been reliable pillars.
With this, life in Japan will only get tougher.
Here I declare.
Koyama G aims to create a living community for employees and users.
It will be like a co-op, an employee union, or an agricultural co-op.
I think the goal and reality are close to that.
Koyama G itself becomes a safety net for society.
Medical corporations and social welfare corporations are non-profit corporations.
In business, I understand that medical care, nursing care, and childcare will be activated by corporations, but unprofitable and unprofitable services will be withdrawn.
We need a foundation for the existence of public utility projects and social security projects.
All services are for the betterment of society.
I will do my best as the leader.
My post-retirement life is also at stake.
I have an interview with a student today.
I want to nurture and entrust the future.
There is a long service award ceremony.
I would like to express my gratitude to my longtime friend and comfort them together.
That’s my job, and I want to thank you for that job.
Pulse oximeter 99/99/98
Body temperature 36.5 Blood sugar 158
From the private sector to the public
CEO Yasunari Koyama