No goals for Koyama

Koyama G creates an annual numerical business plan, but I personally don’t place much importance on it.
The numbers are heavily influenced by changes in medical and nursing care insurance laws, as well as the local facility environment—essentially, the supply and demand balance.
There are no longer any facility managers who make excuses like, “The operation has declined because a nursing facility opened nearby," but in the past, such executives would casually say this.
They were executives who had moved from the corporate headquarters and didn’t understand the field.
Facility managers who rose from the field, however, still work hard.
These women look at the faces of the staff, not the faces of the management.
Executives who make excuses look at my face and only think about whether they will be scolded or if their treatment will be affected—they only care about themselves.
The numbers at the end of the fiscal year are the result.
If revenue drops by half, then halve the facilities.
If the number of staff doubles, then double the facilities.
As long as there is no deficit, the corporation and the facilities can continue to exist.
Medical and nursing care facilities should operate this way.
If that doesn’t work, I will close the facility.
In other words, I will go out of business.
Like my late father, I don’t blame the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the hospital’s deficit, but continuing the business in the face of a deficit is driven by the ego of the management, and the staff will never be happy under such circumstances.
Other than the numbers, the business philosophy is that the hospital should be a place where parents can enter, and a nursing facility where one would want to live.
Recently, it’s also become a daycare center where one would want their grandchildren to go.
It’s unfortunate that I cannot enter that wonderful daycare, but if Yasunari-kun were here, he would be attending.
High goals tend to become hollow.
If they don’t become a reality, they simply become a show for the public.
Yesterday, I had a meeting with the new recruitment officer.
I had them discard the usual recruitment plan.
It’s fine if the numerical target is halved.
Even if the number of recruits is halved, as long as the turnover rate is halved, the result will be the same.
Instead, let’s focus more on giving thorough guidance to each new graduate.
Let’s double the budget and effort for education and welfare.
The management should be the first to spend money.
Since the students are choosing us, there’s no point in forcing things or putting on airs.
We will decide the facility construction plans based on the number of recruits.
We will enhance the staff welfare system.
We’ll create a baseball watching club.
Let’s cover the cost of tickets.
How much would box seats at the baseball stadium cost?
What about seats at sumo wrestling?
There’s also been a suggestion to open a medical hair removal clinic for staff in Ginza.
Let’s create a subsidy system for students to obtain a driver’s license.
Koyama G will provide funding for postgraduate education.
Likewise, we will apply this to the technical intern staff as well.
We’ll build dormitories across the prefecture.
From the field, dissatisfaction with the previous headquarters’ response has erupted.
Everyone, let’s implement these ideas.
The current Koyama G has the power to make it happen.
The headquarters has made the decisions and granted the approvals.
Money should be used while we have it.
If we don’t have it, we can’t use it.
It’s as simple as that.
Once implemented, goals will be a thing of the past.
What shapes the future is high-level vision and shared principles.
My job is to guide unfaithful staff and lazy executives.
The floor of the general headquarters is spacious.
I will give my all.
My responsibility is to crush hollow, lazy, and easy goals that have become habitual.
New plans and execution will be achieved by heartful staff taking new paths with free ideas.
The government sets numerical targets for evacuation environments.
Will these be achieved?
Is the long-term failure to improve evacuation environments due to the lack of clear targets?
It seems to me that this is just an excuse from the government.
The government only avoided giving clear orders to local municipalities.
Wouldn’t it be fine for the government itself to take action?
Did the prefectures and municipalities not act because they weren’t given targets?
Wouldn’t it be better if the law mandated it and the country took responsibility?
Otherwise, we’ll just be acknowledging excuses.
This is the politics of our country.
In the end, it’s the fault of the people.
Yesterday, I attended the Christmas party at a mother-child support facility.
There were many Disney dolls lined up at the entrance of the facility.
The trees and decorations throughout the facility were the result of the cooperation of many staff members.
The promised candy room was also amazing.
I also wanted to visit this place when I was a child.
I think the volunteer university students felt the same way.
As a gift, I received a tree-shaped bread covered in chocolate and castella.
Of course, it became last night’s dinner.
The mothers and children at the facility are all full of smiles.
At Christmas, I want to express feelings of gratitude and affection through gifts.
The elderly melon Santa from Ginza is also happy.
Lately, management has been a series of difficult and uncertain days.
Days like today, when I am protected by the grace of God and feel peace, are a blessing.
With this, I’ll think the same way about the New Year—it’s cheeky, a lost lamb.
God, please forgive me.
I’ll wear the dragon tie until the end of this year.
Next year is the year of the snake.
I wonder what design it will have.
I’m looking forward to going to the New Year’s tie store.
Blood sugar 148. I want to tighten my neck with a beautiful tie, not debt.
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station, Yasunari Koyama