Supportive municipality

From Noto Peninsula Earthquake, nearly a month has passed.
It will likely take many years to repair the damaged main roads. Meanwhile, both supplies and supporters are restricted. Although there is an airport and ports, it’s puzzling why helicopters and ships aren’t swiftly transporting people and supplies. Alternatively, it might be beneficial to temporarily evacuate the affected individuals to safe municipalities.
During this period, infrastructure like roads, water, and electricity could be restored. In reality, I believe these repairs will take many years.
There’s also a shortage of construction workers for the Osaka Expo. Local governments have pre-designated supportive municipalities for such occasions.
Employees from these municipalities, though few in number, have been dispatched to Noto to provide assistance. Many of them are arriving in camper vans.
Then why not relocate the elderly from hospitals and nursing homes to other municipalities? Currently, nursing homes across Japan have some vacant beds. With administrative involvement, they could potentially utilize nursing homes in other prefectures under special residency arrangements.
However, since the reception capacity is insufficient, local governors and municipalities are appealing through the media for volunteers and supplies to refrain from intervening.
Hence, it might be best to relocate the elderly, children, and vulnerable individuals to safe locations in other prefectures nationwide.
The recovery of infrastructure will take a significant amount of time.
Just restoring the water supply alone is expected to take several months. Evacuation centers still lack proper showers and toilets, posing risks both mentally and in terms of infectious diseases.
In the case of the Atami torrential rain-induced landslide disaster, Koyama Group’s nursing home was fortunate to have dug a hot spring, which was a lifesaver.
While allowing people to take turns bathing on a docked ship might be a good idea, it could be faster to transport them to other prefectures using such ships. Renting hotels, as was done during the COVID-19 pandemic, is another option.
There shouldn’t be any borders between Ishikawa Prefecture and other prefectures.
Passports and permits shouldn’t be necessary. It’s unimaginable to impose a lifestyle on disaster victims akin to that of refugees from other countries.
Even if it’s the individual’s choice, is this the best way to support disaster-stricken areas in Japan? These are the questions I ponder while watching local news reports on TV.

Pulse oximeter: 97, 98, 98
Body temperature: 36.3 Blood sugar: 183

Holder of First-Class Maritime License
CEO of Koyama Group, Yasunari Koyama


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