Medical protection hospitalization? Compulsory hospitalization involuntary admission?

I had the opportunity to listen directly to a report from a university expert who had been to the Noto Peninsula, the area affected by the earthquake.
Apparently, they were unable to enter the area because the road conditions had not improved and the local government did not have the capacity to accommodate them.
Moreover, even if they were actually allowed to enter the area, they would not be able to do anything and would only be a nuisance.
It seems that both the prefecture and the town are trying to work within their administrative areas as much as possible.
Then it will be the same as the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I think the mindset of the top management is also different.
At the press conference, the Prime Minister said that the evacuation to evacuation centers would be expedited at 2 p.m.
Not only is this obvious, but it’s still too late.
I don’t think we are in a situation where we are gradually evacuating further away from the site.
In areas where electricity, water and sewage systems have been destroyed, the lives of the elderly and young children are at risk.
Moreover, in the freezing winter snow.
The person does not want to leave the area even though their home is destroyed.
They doesn’t want to leave their acquaintances.
I understand how how they feel, but is it okay to leave that decision up to the person in question?
As for local junior high school students, only those with the consent of their families will be transferred to other prefectures.
I think it’s the same as being lost in a snowy mountain.
I wonder if they are mentally in a situation where they are the ability to make decisions.
In the world of medicine and welfare, there are some words that people generally feel uncomfortable with.
It is a measure.
It is reminiscent of the pre-modern world of Meiji era infectious disease and epidemic countermeasures, or the world of mental illness.
However, now may be the time when even if we exercise administrative and police powers, we may need to be hospitalized.
There is also medical protection hospitalization.
Was it an unreasonable forced hospitalization?
I think this is an exercise of state power to prioritize human life.
What if we made the Noto Peninsula an isolated area and prohibited people from entering or staying in the area?
It will take many years for roads and other infrastructure to be completely redeveloped.
The area could be permanently designated as a protected area as a national park.
Is it realistic to return to the status quo?
I want national power to be activated in emergencies like this.
It’s the same as missiles flying or Godzilla landing.
If you were the prime minister bravely taking command in a movie, what kind of orders would he give?
The director this time is a citizen.
Pulse oximeter 97/97/97
Body temperature 36.5 Blood sugar 159
CEO Yasunari Koyama