Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar

One of my research topics is the penetration and spread of healthcare into society.
The most representative signs of the advancement of medical care at home, I believe, are the thermometer and the weighing scale.
They are indispensable for managing the health and life of infants.
How reliable they are for mothers.
I tend to feel hot and have a high body temperature.
When I was a child, I used to take a cold water shower every morning, but I think it actually made me catch a cold more often.
Taking my temperature every morning became an excuse to skip school.
The weighing scale, when I was a child, recorded my robust growth, but now it has become the symbol of something unpleasant.
I am forced to use it by those around me, and reluctantly step on it.
I make efforts, like taking everything out of my pockets — wallet, watch, and keys — but I still can’t lose weight.
Would someone invent shoes that can measure weight?
It would also be great if they could measure the amount of calories burned through exercise.
But, that’s a topic for another day.
Further advancements in medical science at home, I believe, are the blood pressure monitor and the blood glucose meter.
My father used to measure his blood pressure three times a day.
We still have that blood pressure monitor at home.
Since I tend to have relatively low blood pressure, I don’t use it.
There might be some people who worry about my blood pressure because I become emotional quickly, but as of now, I don’t have concerns about it.
My constitution is quite different from my father’s.
He was always calm and rarely became emotional in front of others.
As a doctor, he probably suppressed his emotions.
Was that why he developed hypertension?
If that’s the case, then maybe because I can’t suppress my emotions, it has little impact on my blood pressure.
What if we were to measure the blood pressure of all the participants in a meeting continuously at the same time?
I think a time will come when each participant’s temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and blood glucose will be displayed on the Zoom meeting screen.
It’s just like a lie detector.
No one would want to attend the meeting anymore.
Well, maybe there could also be an app that manipulates the data.
I use a device called “Libre" to measure my blood glucose about 20 times a day.
Recently, I’ve started to notice the correlation between my emotional changes and my blood glucose levels.
When I’m angry, is my blood glucose high or low?
Does anyone know of a paper on this?
Blood sugar 133. I’m tired, and even the thought of food seems bothersome. The tea tastes great.
Today, I’ll stay in bed again. The blanket is so comforting. I guess I’m like a baby.
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station, Yasunari Koyama