Three Sacred Treasures

The three sacred treasures of the Showa era were the television, washing machine, and refrigerator.
The three sacred treasures of the Heisei era were the mobile phone, flat-screen TV, and robotic vacuum cleaner.
So, what are the sacred treasures of health?
I believe the three sacred treasures that extended the life expectancy of Japanese people after the war and reduced the number of visits to doctors were the thermometer, the scale, and the blood pressure monitor.
In the future, there will be a wristwatch that can measure pulse, blood pressure, and blood sugar, a smartphone that can send measurement records to doctors, and an AI chat that provides health advice and behavioral management.
Eventually, the development of online consultations will reduce the number of internal medicine clinics and pharmacies.
The proper distribution of medical institutions should prioritize emergency hospitals and obstetrics and gynecology.
Compared to other countries, Japan has the best access to healthcare for its citizens.
However, the public is not aware of how fortunate they are to have this.
I hope that Japan will continue to cherish and maintain its highly successful healthcare insurance system, the most successful in human history.
As a healthcare professional and as a patient, I believe this.
Blood sugar: 233. It’s from my meal of tarako-ikura spaghetti and crackers.
Koyama G CEO, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station, Koyama Yasunari