Recreating Koyama CEO with AI

At the Koyama Group (Koyama G), not only events but also training sessions at each facility are posted on the website.
While this is for recruitment purposes, we are also creating a record and database of the facilities.
Moreover, it is available online for anyone to see.
And it remains on the internet almost permanently.
Photo albums and brochures, over time, become hard to find.
The number of facilities is also large.
Now, not just photos, but events, seminars, and concerts are also accessible online for participants from all over the country.
We have even started uploading them directly to YouTube.
Staff can view them whenever they want.
At Koyama G, there are no secrets.
As Thunderbird, we are also posting our activities in disaster areas on YouTube.
I believe it is helpful for other volunteer support organizations.
Many volunteers struggle with a lack of local information.
I feel like a beginner YouTuber myself.
I plan to leave these videos behind even after my passing, and I would like them to be occasionally viewed at my memorial service.
The recent advancements in AI are amazing.
From my images and voice recordings, and with the manuscript of this diary, a video could be created that would sound as if the real Koyama Taisuke is speaking.
I have also received kind suggestions from readers to become a YouTuber in that way.
For now, I want to speak in my own voice, so this idea is on hold.
But after I become a star in the sky, what will happen?
By then, it may be possible to write new diaries with my personality, based on past writings, without having to write a new manuscript every day.
These writings will certainly be more interesting and intellectual than this diary.
At the very least, there will be no more typos.
And AI computer Taisuke, like an encyclopedia of my life, will be able to answer any questions like a fortune-teller.
At that point, even managers may no longer be needed.
What will remain for managers is not experience, wisdom, and judgment, but only debt.
I would like to hear the opinion of Mr. Matsushita on this.
Blood sugar 86. I’ll drink milk right away.
Koyama G Representative, Thunderbird Representative, Vice President of Health Station.
Living Koyama Yasunari